Edda Hayes
Edda Hayes on Spotify
Edda Hayes. A mask. A mystery. A voice so gentle yet so powerful, that it can melt your broken heart, seconds before tearing it apart again.
But even though Edda’s identity remains unrevealed, it seems impossible to get past her these days. Even Beyoncé, who usually never approves cover versions of her own songs, was mezmerised by Edda Hayes’ take on Survivor (feat. 2WEI) and greenlighted the use of it for the „Tomb Raider“ trailer, turning the epic cover song into a massive viral hit with over 100 million streams.
Amongst other cover songs for a variety of trailers and ads, Hayes gained huge attention by covering “Warriors“ for the famous cinematic of League of Legends in 2020. The song reached millions of streams and the video trended worldwide on Youtube.
But even this isn’t enough for Edda: After all these covers, she teams up again with epic trailer artists 2WEI for her first very own single „Burn“. And there’s a lot more to come!
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